Adam Jackson

Hi, My name is Adam and I’m the creator of Where2Dance. My parents Maxine & Andy first got me involved with dance at the age of 15 managing the door at our Modern Jive franchise ‘Modern Jive Spain’ Before long I was thrust into demonstrating the beginners class. Nearly 20 years later I’ve taught all over Spain, France, Switzerland & the UK teaching various dance styles including Modern Jive, West Coast Swing, Country Line Dancing, Latin & Ballroom. I’m currently based in Stratford-Upon-Avon with my FiancĂ© Cat Cooper. We’re currently teaching Line Dancing & Solo Dance Fitness and travelling up and down the UK dancing socially.

Why create Where2Dance?

Since moving back to the UK I’ve discovered that we’re spoilt for choice in regards to Where to go dancing however with the abundance of information (and misinformation) I’ve found it very hard navigating what dancing is on and where. Searching through information spread over multiple platforms including Facebook groups. What I discovered is that some of the platforms are archaic and not built for the modern world including outdated information. Which got me wondering “How can I develop this concept and make it better?” Some of the obstacles I’ve had to overcome is how do I create a platform that’s not only user-friendly but also mobile-friendly. So users can still create slick-looking events from mobile devices. Yet still, give the user full control of how their published events look and feel. I also wanted to use a calendar form which looks more current and much easier to navigate using mobile on top of all this integrate google maps so you can get to your chosen dance event with confidence that you’re heading to the right place. Believe me, there is nothing more frustrating than travelling for miles expecting the event to be in full swing only to find that it’s been suspended over the summer holidays, or even worst finished months or even years ago.

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